“Hands-On Institute works to impact communities in Nepal and students around the world by connecting them to each other and consequently developing understanding, fostering interconnectedness and broadening worldviews.”


Our own travel experiences around Nepal was something that impacted our lives, something that changed our perspective and redefined our personal values. The forest, the mountains, the Yaks, the trees and the river have all taught us a lot of lessons. We have been inspired by the lifestyle of locals living in different remote but rich villages and have experienced the wisdom they possess. Hands-On Institute is an effort to let youth from around the world experience what we experienced!

Consequently, Hands-On Institute – an educational-travel organization that designs and facilitates groups to embark on extraordinary learning and service trips was formed. It’s an ambition to make abroad study trips more meaningful. 


By placing learners in cautiously selected communities and natural environmental assets, our programs inspire them to act towards a thriving, just and sustainable world. Our partner communities through “community advisers” helps in planning, reviewing, preparation and hosting of activities undertaken by us. The advisers also identify priority service areas to engage in. Do No Harm is the core of our work.

Through carefully designed programs we aspire to help learners reestablish relationship with nature and learn the wisdom imbedded in age-old rural communities while they provide meaningful service to partner communities. Hands-On Institute seeks to ignite ideas and sprout inspiration and awaken a sense of connection, appreciation and responsibility towards the natural world and local communities.

Hands-On Institute works with academic institutions in all phases of educational travel, including to designing curriculum, itineraries, budgets, evaluation, follow-up, and sustainability. And a strong emphasis is put on impact of the program, both on communities and learners.